My Mario World

I'm a huge fan of Mario Bros World for the SNES. I had an SNES when I was grpwing up, but my parents had to sell it do to being poor when I was younger. Last christmas I got given an SNES, but No Mario World. I was really upset at this but pretyended to be happy with it to please my parents. until I was going an about my day when I found a catraidge of mario world  cateraiddge of mario world on the sidewalk on my way to school. I picked it up and got real excited feeling. I decided to skip school and tell my mom i am sick. so i went home and set up the SNES in my room. so i set the SNES in my room and put the cartrigde in the console and pressed the on switch, ready to be flooded with happy memories of nostalgia and have a good time. it started off normal as usual, but then mario showed on the screen. he was purple instead of read, and had blood coming out his eyes. i'm not sure why this is happening but i'm scared but decided to keep playing the game. maybe it was just a glitch, I though. But the game went into the world map screen and it was worse. There was Blood everywhere! On the hills, on the water, on the levevl buildinges, everywhere! I was getting real curiousity over how someone could have hacked this game to be so sadistic. but I kept playing because I really wanted to play Mario World. I went tio level 1-1, amd ot started off normal. I was excited thinking maybe it was a glitch or I was imagining things. but whens I went about half way through the level, it got worse once again. The enemies where covered in blood, and have sharp fangs instead of no teeth. When I try to jump on them, I heard crushing bones and squirting blood, sounds to realistic to come from the snes. This is REALLY starting to freak me out. But I kept playing. I finish the level but there was no casftle to walk into. There was a cliff. I hit the ending tape. The happy ending level music played but and mario started walking. He was getting close to the cliff and I thought, Why isn't he stopping? I was geting really freaking out and worried he may walk off the cliff to die. He did was I worried, and walked right off the cliff. The screen whent black for a moment. I thought maybe it was finally over. But a screen popped up in black with woreds ritten in blood saying "he died because of your fault" I started crying with this text. I don't know what i did to deserve this make this happen but I just wanted it to be over. I hit start and every button but nothing worked. It stayed on the screen. But soon it started hearing a scream so loud even though I had the volume off. It was so loud my ears felt like they were bleeding. But it stoped. I started the game on again and it was normal again. I thought maybe I just had a bad dream and this was reality. So I kept playing the game as normal, just as I wanted it to be. But then I turn the game off after I was done playing and felt happy finally. but when I tooked the game out, mario and yoshi had blood red eyes on the cover drippign out blood.